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Blue Dot The Opening Call begins

The Opening Call lasts for 5 minutes and as the Call begins the bidders who have added less KML Credits than others will be in the lower percentage level in the Deal and these bidders are alerted with "You Risk being Eliminated" and the option when you see this alert is to "Add a Bid OR be Eliminated".

The value of the Call Bid is displayed with the time remaining and you need to determine if you want to continue in the Deal by adding the bid.

By delaying the time to add a bid could be longer than other bidders then you may immediately see another alert to add a bid so again and you have the option of adding a bid or be eliminated at the end of this Call.

The bids for each Call reduce as the Deal progresses and you can only add a bid when there is an alert to "Add a Bid OR be Eliminated".

If you decide to not add another bid or are still in the lower percentage of bidders being eliminated your KML Credits "spent" up to the elimination Call are removed but any KML Credits not "spent" up this stage of the Call, and all other KML Credits that were allocated in the remaining Calls are moved back to your KML Credit account after the deal is finished.

Any bid, including the first registered bid are also moved back to your BataCredit account after the Deal less a small 2.5% LAT fee (Location Activity Tax).

After the Deal is finished there is a calculation and the number of KML Credits "spent" by all bidders are totaled and then distributed according to the number of bidders at each Call Stage and allocated back to each bidders KML Credit account to use again in other LA Deal Prices. No LAT fee is deducted from the KML Credits

Blue Dot "You're Safe" and continue to the next Call
Blue Dot The Gold Pass
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