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Register your business here in ComTechXX, it's free!

Before registering a business the person authorized to operate the account will need to have a ComTechX Profile.

Not a business?     You can register a ComTechX Profile here in ComTechXblue
!      ComTech Org Register

Already registered a business in ComTechXX?
You can update your business details & Storefront in "Business Profile" when you login.

The person who is listed in this business registration is doing so as the authorized owner or authorized operator and therefor is the person taking full responsibility for the business's actions.

For a business to participate in LA Deal Prices the business is required to first register here in the ComTechXX registrations, then add products or services that they want to sell with the LA Deal Prices BEFORE upgrading to the TrustBiz status. Click here

Sorry registrations are not available yet!     Please leave your email here and we'll update you!
Confirm where you operate from.
What are the Products or Services are you interested in or offering?
        OR       All Products       OR     
Are you a                                       Buyer           Seller           or Both ?
Are you a     Retailer      Wholesaler     Manufacturer      New Business      Customer (starting a business)
First Name:
Last Name:
Business Name:
  Use your Last Name if you don't have a Business Name..
Supply a minimum of one (1) satellite aerial link(s) showing the position of the business property:
  Important: Provide satellite view links at 50ft/20mt distance
Upload a photo of your business -  
headquarters, shop or factory to show the best view of your business.
Upload a photo
Email Address:
  This email address will be used for your Sign In to your ComTechX Group account.
Create a Password
Confirm Password:
Security Code:
  Type the characters into the field above.
My company is interested in knowing more details about the "Treasure Hunt".
  I accept the ComTechX Privacy Policy and Terms of Service and that emails may be sent to my
email address for product leads and updates.
After creating your account you will receive a unique ID membership number.

Steps to your Storefront

You are now at the start so . . .

Fill in your details in the form on this page to create your ComTechXX business account.

Once you have your business account you can then go to your
"Business Profile" & begin uploading
your product descriptions before
upgrading your Storefront to TrustBiz status.



Steps to business success -  get connected  l  get established  l  show yourself  l  sell yourself  l  get paid

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