A business's first step is to register in ComTechXX and list the products or services that they are selling.
To register a business with ComTechXX. click here
To establish the business's status there is a TrustBiz registration which provides the unique class of business license and standing for customers to recognize. Apply here
This once a year registration allows a business to sell any number of products or services throughout the year, which means that a business can have any number of LA Deals selling any quantity of products or services that they can handle.
To help the business market the LA Deals in their stores, $500.00 of the TrustBiz registration is used to fund BataCredit store cards that can be sold to customers to help market the business's upcoming LA Deal Prices and to fund the customer's BataCredit accounts for the LA Deals.
The monies from these in-store BataCredit sales are held by the store and then offset against the LA deal sales as they are completed, with additonal BataCredit cards available on request for increased marketing.
Businesses that qualify for a TrustBiz registration can then be marketed as a "LA Place" and this gives the business the option to sell BataCredit in-store to customers for LA Deal Prices.