DeCom Subliminal Interactive Advertising                                       .  .  brings a decentralized and democratic economic platform to the real economy!
                                .  .  challenges the status quo!

Real-time Demand
          How it works for Operators    l    QwickStay    Hotel Ap    l   QwickTrek    Backpacker Ap    l    Need other services    l    Quik-Trip    l    QUIK-Ride    l    Quik-Bite    l    Quik-Pass    l    Quik-Cup
How it works    l    Travel    l    Private Homes    l    Hostels    l    Motels & Hotels    l    Motel & Hotel Operators    l    Business Travelers    l    Optimized by Cloudfunding
QwickP2P    Global Payments    l    Co-Ops for Buyers & Sellers                                      Price Demand is automated selling             Search Hotels  -  Book with Price Demand        Arrow down
Guests can now buy accommodation as low as 20%
of the full selling prices - bypassing the incumbent ( OTAs )

Local Media    QwickPic           QUIK-Pics
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Local Media    Global Market    Global Productivity Market
Local Media    Places                Places
Local Media    Locations           Global Productivity Market
Local Media    QwickStay         QUIK-Stay
Local Media    QwickTrek         QUIK-Trek
Local Media    QwickBite          Quik-Bite
Local Media    QwickPass       QwickPass
Local Media    QwickTrip          Transportation
Local Media    QwickBuys        QUIK-Buys
Local Media    QwickP2P          QwickP2P

Accommodation Industry enters the Digital Era

Operators In the Accommodation often need to offer last minute discount or miss a sale or get other services to do it for them.

Discounting has been around for so long that it's built into the pricing structure.

Cloudfunding disrupts traditional discounting with Outsourced Selling and Price Demand to give Operators 100% Selling Prices

-  without discounting, paying commissions or fees  -  all the way from listing inventory to receiving payment, it's all free.

-  the Selling Prices of each item in a Seller's inventory is outsourced to a network of Open Market Makers - OMMs

-  the full 100% Selling Price is fully monetized and held in escrow before Deals are even released to the Open Market

Price Demand  -  it's a new buying experience that allows buyers to buy products & services at prices they want to pay

Cloudfunding Industries gives back control to the Operators by expanding the way services are sold to Customers.

Cloudfunding applies Outsourced Selling  -  it trumps discounting the Selling Prices just to find demand.

For Cloudfunding to operate on a global scale it interconnects using a neutral international trading unit of account.

How does it work.

Accommodation Operators can have any number of Rooms available.

1. A list of Rooms are uploaded to the Platform detailing the full list Selling Price, photo(s) and any specifics.

2. The Date and Times are listed for when the Rooms are available as Deals.

3. A process to Outsource the Selling takes place to market makers  -  OMMs for each Deal at the full Selling Price.

4. The sold Deals have the full Selling Price value locked in escrow waiting for the Deals to be released to potential Buyers.

5. Operators have the option of when to release the Deals to their potential Guests  -  Deals are ready for Buyers to Activate

6. When a Buyer competes and wins the Deal on the Platform the Operator locks in the Room(s) for the Guest Buyer.

7. When the Guest Buyer Checks-in the escrowed full Selling Price is released to the Operators account  -  or at Check-out

8. As the full Selling Price for the Rooms is released it can be liquidated using Pay It Forward, Now!  -  with the Guest or others.

There are no commissions or payment processing fees debited from the full Selling Prices  

-  the funds held by the Accommodation Operators can be released anywhere in the world, even used to pay Suppliers or Staff.

Operators can use existing marketing services with the QwickPic Platform  -  it means that the full Selling Price still remains but any commissions owed to services would be debited and directed to those marketing services.

Marketing services that sell for Accommodation Operators can still use the QwickPic Platform using the full Selling Prices and inclusions, then at the completion of the Deal any commissions can be debited from the full Selling Price

-  settlement with the Accommodation Operators can be from the Platform's Business Accounts or via some other method.

Any number of Rooms can be processed and stored ready to release at the most appropriate time to suit an Operator  

-  Deals can be held for up to 30 days and even be released in the last seconds to un-deciding Guests.

Price Demand generate the real time demand

Price Demand provides the most ideal way for Accommodation Operators to offer customers a great deal and maintain high occupancy rates  -  depending on the number of Rooms available, the Deals can be released ( from stored deals ) into the Open Market at a moments notice, using the full Selling Prices

Travelers who have contacted Operators can be on the listed Buyers who get notified by QwickAlerts when Deals are released.

Cloudfunding provides benefits for both Supply and Demand and this opens up for Co-Operatives to be be formed at the local level between friends looking for better prices or more larger groups  -  as well as for Sellers co-operating with similar businesses or with a range of Suppliers looking to get more sales

Global Co-Operatives  -  Seller Co-Operatives and Buyer Co-Operatives

How is it done?

The QwickPic Platform is built as a complete economy, it uses the Global Crowd ( OMMs ) to Outsource the Selling and algorithmic economics to disrupt the traditional role where the sellers are always expected to discount and lose profits.

Accommodation naturally links with Travel and other services, the platform provides similar services to cater for them all, Restaurants, Taxis, Limousines, Entertainment etc

The Queen Bee Project is a unique Loyalty and Customer Acquisition Program with a long tail benefit for businesses and their customers, even spreading to other business's customers as the interconnection spreads across all the commercial activity the customers engage in.

France Paris Germany Berlin UK London USA New York
Hotel Hotel
Hotel Regina Tryp Berlin Mitte Hotel London Mayfair Paramount Hotel
Hotel Ap      Check-in Hotel Ap      Check-in Hotel Ap      Check-in Hotel Ap      Check-in
Italy Rome Brazil Rio de Janeiro Spain Barcelona Australia Sydney
Hotel Hotel Hotel
IQ Hotel Roma Caesar Park Hotel Hotel Nouvel ParkRoyal Hotel
Hotel Ap      Check-in Hotel Ap      Check-in Hotel Ap      Check-in Hotel Ap      Check-in

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