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Cloudfunding makes it all happen

The connection between people, location, Offline and Online commerce coming together has been a goal from the beginning of the Internet, but having a fully autonomous Free Digital Financial system and Global Commerce merged together is only now achievable

It needed the early Internet to push technology to the point where scale globally was possible, so that someone isolated in a village in India or Africa could sell or buy products and services with the same ease as someone in London or San Francisco.

Most of the components and technology used in Online commerce have been operating for some time but on a dysfunctional playing field with various players creating services and systems trying to fill a need during early development.

Cloudfunding opens up the Internet for Offline and Online business, startups, developers, designers, entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, any creative person or business with the platform to gain financial scale and customer traction  -  in transition to a Cashless World.

The Cashless World with Cloudfunding to open up the limits in business where the gatekeepers have always controlled the money-supply into societies  -  that now changes in the Cashless World where it taps into an unlimited natural resource to organically form a new medium of exchange for future generations to build out new enterprises.

New income streams are able to be gained by the online community that relied on paid advertising with the free participation by businesses with Cloudfunding and Outsourced Selling  -  instead of waiting for clicks and impressions to add up, Cloudfunding pays out a percentage ( 2.5% ) of the actual sales that originate from displaying QwickPics.

The change of how markets will work, comes with the change in how influence and value cross borders to stimulate local economies by the actions of local Sellers using free Direct Foreign Decentralized Capital  -  Cloudfunding does the rest.

Startups and innovation are some of the keys

Great ideas and great businesses have been lost before through the lack of getting enough traction to survive, Cloudfunding provides the 'startup' with the financial advantage so it can make it all happen.

It could be a startup Coffee Shop that needs to get off the ground fast, Cloudfunding can offer the Sellers Market to list inventory or to buy inventory that has been processed by Outsourced Selling  -  and have any size quantity of all types of inventory like short black, long black or latte coffees, and have them available to regular or new customers at prices that will get the market traction.

It can even be the long term strategy for the business, as Outsourced Selling pricing can be maintained indefinitely, Cloudfunding offers any option that suits a business, all for free.

What Cloudfunding does with Outsourced Selling and the pricing dynamics is it always has the full Selling Prices of all the inventory that gets processed so Buyers always know the full prices, the low Buying Prices just happen to be the advantage of the Buyer gaining the Buying Power without harming the Seller's margins.

There's always the Price Demand which begin at the full Selling Prices, this is an option for Sellers wanting to maintain the full prices in the market but still want get sales while wanting to find the real-time demand.

Innovation is about coming up with alternatives

If its innovation on a small scale or global scale, Cloudfunding can offer the financial options with Outsourced Selling and free Global Commerce payments for any length of time, and there's a number of incentives that can be used directly by a startup or business looking to expand, such as the Queen Bee Project that can gain early customers and give the startup some ongoing long tail revenue streams.

There's also the Free Direct Backing that can fund any enterprising startup or existing business that has a product or service which solves a problem or offers a much needed service, it could be R&D for medical, agriculture or many other projects that struggle to get funding, if the project has merit then 'Free Direct Backing' can be an answer, without any equity being offered or loss of autonomy by the business.

Cloudfunding opens up new ways for businesses to fund and support their enterprises, the Digital Sale Division is where a business can be part of their own marketing by being directly involved in strategies to get their own products and services sold with Outsourced Selling.

Seller Register

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Outsourced Selling  

                      1.  Upload images of the items with a description and full Selling Prices

                      2.  Outsourced Selling process escrows the Selling Prices and process details

                      3.  If an OMM wins the bidding then the Deal is released to local Buyers  -  details of the Buyer are updated

                      4.  At the collection of the item, a Code provided by the Buyer releases the full Selling Prices

                      5.  Sellers have the option to use the funds to spend with other Users or liquidate using Pay It Forward, Now!


Every Seller using Outsourced Selling now has a better than Competitive Advantage in their local trading zone.

-  it can be applied with anything locally produced, manufactured or retailed along the Supply Chain.

-  it can give Sellers unlimited predictable and guaranteed sales, all for free.

Outsourced Selling is pro-active, it pushes commerce to achieve sales.

Cloudfunding can gain economies of scale across all countries and commerce in the Digital Era

Outsourced Selling  

Scale and velocity of trade and commerce is a key attribute of Outsourced Selling  -  great for local economies

SMEs, even industries like Solar Energy, can use Outsourced Selling to leapfrog the competition  -  for free

Pressure by predatory trade in the Supply Chains placing the likes of food suppliers in jeopardy, is countered.

Outsourced Selling turns Globalization around so as local Sellers have better control  -  this is Localization


Economy 2 Economy

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Growth in the 21st Century needs economies of scale without multiplying debt, as the case in the 20th Century

Multiplication of growth can now be scaled by tapping into the Global Crowds' 'thirst' for a better lifestyle

The Global Crowd are independent market makers with equal opportunity to earn 'profit' like any business

Their combined activity can be compared to a 'product assembly line' that uniquely produces productivity

Outsourced Selling finds equilibrium in Supply and Demand, giving Buyers and Sellers the winning formula

Free Advertising and Outsourced Selling solves the last hurdle in marketing, it gets sales with the one action

With no cost at either end of the commerce process, it achieves sales without targeting or discounting a product

Once the bidding has completed the Sellers have 2 options to Sell to their local Buyers

-  Flexi-Deals begin at the full Selling Prices, then cascades down to the OMM's winning bid, a maximum 20% price

Why?  -  Because Commerce needs to operate at the highest digital level in a scalable Digital Economy,

.  .  .  if it's to achieve major economic results, at the least possible cost.

The Platform has a fully autonomous SaaS architecture that's structured to form the ComTechX industry  

-  it adds the incentives for the Global Crowd to be involved in expanding the decentralized structure.

It expands Main Street's online strategy, giving Sellers the way to sell products at impossible to ignore low prices

It gives Sellers the time to provide greater customer service, without fear of surviving on discounted margins

Outsourced Selling changes the landscape in commerce, until now Sellers have been obliged to sacrifice profits

Sellers now sell at full profit, giving buyers benefit of discounts  -  how long could a Seller's competitors survive?

When Sellers list products the required Sales Taxes are included in the full list price, recorded ready to download

Discounting only solves short term Demand, at an economy's expense  -  Outsourced Selling isn't discounting

Outsourced Selling helps solve an unsustainable global debt  -  it opens up a scalable Digital Economy

QwickPic Ready
Check out a Deal Registration and Cloudfund Strategy

See a Snap-Shot view of a Cloudfund strategy and bidding for Deals

Cloudfunding generates Price Demand  -  digitizes 'cash' to flow ubiquitously around the world

What's The Monetizing Moment?

Cloud Commerce operates by Outsourcing the Selling to the Crowd by Cloudfunding

How Sellers Outsource their Selling to the Crowd?

QwickP2P   'Pay it Forward, Now!' completes the sales activity for sellers!

As UDC is validated and exchanged in the Digital Economy it permeates out into local economies!

see the connection of players that help achieve 'Productivity' :   Global Cloud Productivity

Wherever your Location is - you are not alone!

    Join the Crowd that's going to get it right - get updates about the coming launch!                                     
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