DeCom Subliminal Interactive Advertising                                       .  .  brings a decentralized and democratic economic platform to the real economy!

Cloud Capital     Chamber of Economies     Cloudfunding     CloudfundMe     Buyers     Crowd     Sellers     P2P     Groups     Places     SignUp     

FOMEZ      Public Utility Network      LED - Hubs      RingLink      SODA       Free Economic Value      UDC      Economic Engine      Smart Contracts      DFDC      PriceDemand     


  Free Advertising and Local Commerce go hand in hand    

Local Media    QwickPic           QUIK-Pics
Local Media    Search               Business

Local Media    Global Market    Global Productivity Market
Local Media    Places                Places
Local Media    Locations           Global Productivity Market
Local Media    QwickP2P          QwickP2P
Local Media    Cloudfunds       Cloudfunds

                  Sellers Exchange

Local Media    Local Media      Local Media

Local Media    New Economy

Local Media    SME Cloudfunding

Local Media    ComTechX

Cloudfunds are free to earn, there is no interest or costs and Cloudfunds never need to be paid back, ever!

Cloudfunds  -  Free Economic Value                                       Cloudfunds can scale for sellers and buyers
Advertising starts a new life
How Cloudfunds are earned                                                How does The Monetizing Moment work with Cloudfunds?
How to use Cloudfunds
How the bidding process works!                                         What is Cloudfunding and how does it work?

Marketing and Paid Advertising has for so long been seen as a necessary action to spend money to expose products to the masses, Subliminal Organically Decentralized Advertising has changed advertising's role in global commerce, by validating it as a trading currency  -  Cloudfunds / Free Economic Value.

With the glut of advertising in so many mediums and the increasing turn-off by consumers, now is a good time to change the marketing models and convert that effort into a valuable resource  -  that wasted effort can now be converted into a asset.

Cloudfunds is a currency that's earned for free  -  as Free Economic Value it's able to be spent to buy content, and, spent to bid for products and services by crossing borders effortlessly with Direct Foreign Decentralized Capital  -  DFDC.

Cloudfunds has a value that's validated via productivity moving through brick and mortar stores around the world, validating the Cloudfunds as the products and services are paid for in fiat currency.

With the inefficiencies coming to a head where sellers don't know where they should spend their advertising money, or even how much is needed to 'move the needle' to get a ROI  -  sellers now have an advertising model that's free and guarantees sales.

Brands can have a direct and rewarding connection with the crowd by value adding to the Commerce cycle  -  instead of paying for costly marketing systems that charge for clicks made by non buyers.

With the Seller's Dilemma always hinging on getting sales, Cloudfunds becomes the conduit between the seller, the product and the buyer, that guarantees sales for every item listed, and it doesn't cost the seller.

The model is simple, sellers list items at full price, the system outsources the selling, when a deal is won the full selling price is escrowed, deals are released to a seller's local buyers, when a buyer buys a deal at the low price, the seller's full price is released.

The buyer's Buying Prices are as low as 20% of a seller's full price with Price Demand Deals giving buyers the incentive to beat other buyers at prices they want to pay  -  Commerce advertising as we know it today will be disrupted by Outsourcing the Selling.

To have a currency is one thing but to make it valuable and give it an economy to operate in is another  -  eQconomy has services that make a complete autonomous ecosystem  -  tied ubiquitously to real products and services that're validated at Places of Trust.

Anywhere along the Supply Chain, from B2B, B2C to C2C, Cloudfunds can provide the working capital to do the marketing to sell anything  -  Cloudfunds is the new marketing currency.

Content Providers, such as the Media Industry with journalism or the Music Industry with entertainers, any type of creative talent that provides a saleable product can use Cloudfunds as the payment currency.

Developers and entrepreneurs can benefit from using eQconomy's services and Cloudfunds to get the traction they need.

                               .  .  it's free to earn, has no costs, and never needs to be paid back, ever!

The relationship between the services can be summarized,

Seller to QwickPic : A seller can list any quantity of products and services for free.

QwickPic to OMM : Products and services are displayed in QwickPics images that are viewed by OMMs who earn a small percentage of the full value of the items listed.

OMM to Cloudfunds : Every QwickPic viewed is validated as it 'flows' through an OMM's device, before adding Cloudfunds to the OMM's account.

Cloudfunds to QPay : Cloudfunds earned and validated can be spent using QPay on 'content' related products and services listed.

Cloudfunds to QwickBids : Cloudfunds are able to be 'spent' in strategies to win products and services listed in QwickBids.

Cloudfunds to QwickFlip : Cloudfunds can also be 'spent' in strategies to win 'Used' products listed in QwickFlip the same as with QwickBids.

QwickBids to QwickPay : When OMMs or any local bid winner on QwickBids earn the platform's trading currency called UDC, which added to the QwickPay accounts for both winners and sellers.

QwickPay to Buyer : Buyers have QwickPay accounts to fund, collect and spend UDC with Sellers.

Check out a Deal Registration and Cloudfund Strategy

See a Snap-Shot view of a Cloudfund strategy and bidding for Deals

Cloudfunding generates Price Demand  -  digitizes 'cash' to flow ubiquitously around the world

What's The Monetizing Moment?

Cloud Commerce operates by Outsourcing the Selling to the Crowd by Cloudfunding

How Sellers Outsource their Selling to the Crowd?


QwickP2P   'Pay it Forward, Now!' completes the sales activity for sellers!

As UDC is validated and exchanged in the Digital Economy it permeates out into local economies!

see the connection of players that help achieve 'Productivity' :   Global Cloud Productivity

Wherever your Location is - you are not alone!

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